"Sokole Ranczo" ("Falcon Ranch") farm tourism

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Anyone who will come here will be able to not only relax, but also explore the nature jurajskiej, spend time in the company of humans and animals. The extraordinary energy of this beautiful place at the foot of the Falcon Mountains presence of horses, sheep, goats and other animals that make you want to be here and to come back. The farm is a friendly environment and good people, strives for self-sufficiency. Unpolluted environment, rich flora and fauna provide very good conditions for a peaceful and healthy recreation.
The farm covers an area of 12 hectares of Park, midwives at the foot of the largest Jurassic Park-Czestochowa-Falcon mountains. In addition to the residential building there are the animal, grillowisko of shelter, parking, fireplace, an ecological vegetable garden and orchard. In our herd we have four horses, two sheep, five goats, cat and dog. This creates a people loving nature, wishing to stay with her in as close contact. That's why we grow vegetables on a natural fertilizer, bake bread, we are collecting mushrooms, not missing here. We would like this wealth to share with people who, like my desire to come into contact with nature, peace and tranquility. If someone's desire for an active holiday, then directly behind the fence our property are hiking trails running in different directions of the Jury. There will be plenty of attractions for lovers of nordic-walking, spaleologii, cycling, climbing or paragliding. Welcome to this enchanted place.
Falcon Ranch offers apartments, rooms and houses: large suite, comprising:-seaside room-room under a cockerel-rose room in the large apartment is equipped with 9 beds.

The main attraction on the tenernie farm is horseback riding. We welcome small and large, those who thier adventure with horses already started and those for whom this will be the beginning. Enjoy our four horses that on their backs will take you on a stroll through our park or the surrounding forests. Pony-Milka will be happy to show you the area's youngest riders. Each horse is led by a qualified instructor.


Views:  1160

St Zrębska 39
42-256 Biskupice
Commune: Olsztyn
County: częstochowski

Tourist region: 
Jura Krakowsko-Częstochowska
New location type: 
Na wsi

Mobile phone: +48 693 701 379

General information:
Object type:  Agroturystyka

Availability All year round
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